Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Your Love is Strong

These past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy/busy. I went home 2 weekends in a row, which was such a tease but so great. I was so happy to be able to just sit with my family and talk. The first weekend everyone of my siblings was home. I felt like a little kid again. I was able to just be with my family and enjoy life. It was something I really needed.

I also got to see all of my young life girls from home. It was like camp again. I cried like 10 times at the football game because every time I saw one of them I was so overfilled with joy that I didn't know how to respond. It was also hard. Really hard. The second time I went home I got to see them get ready and all pretty up for homecoming. And when I left, I was so sad that I had to leave them behind. I also had to remember that although I am in college-they are all still struggling through the hardships of high school. I had to be reminded of how much life sucks in high school-especially Poquoson. They poured their hearts out to me, and I did not know what to say. I was pretty pissed that they had to deal with that crap. They shouldn't have to face the things that they do. I was so overwhelmed the other night when I was talking to Leslie and hearing every thing that was going on. Then tonight as I was writing my blog and remembering everything I called her and Sarah sobbing. That's what happens when your heart breaks like the Lord's. I felt so much pain but I was reminded of some great things:

1) It is so hard to wait on God, but I am learning more and more that He has everything in his hands and that he has a plan. I am so impatient. I want results. I want these girls to be changed and realize what life is all about. But its ok, He makes all things beautiful in his own time. Habukkuk 1:5 says, "Look at the nations and watch-and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your day that you would not even believed if told." God is going to do amazing things for the girls at Poquoson. I can't even fathom His plan for them. He knows what they need and He knows how to reach them. Leslie and I have to constantly remind each other of this because we know this but when you experience the same pain as them is hard to remember that something out of this world is going to happen to them and when they taste it, they will run after it.

2)  I also am learning that God redeems. I hate that I did things in my past that I regret. However, I am learning that just as God redeemed me-he can redeem these girls. Just as I struggled with some of their daily problems, they too can experience a healing. I love something that Leslie wrote on her blog. She said something along the lines that its not our story-its His. I have to remember that he is using things that I thought were like death to bring others a new life. He does amazing things. No thing is more powerful than God.

A fun thing that I was able to do was go to Virginia Tech last Monday. I am headed for Passion in January, which is a huge christian conference in Atlanta, Georgia for 75,000 college students. VT was having a Pre-Passion to get students excited for January. Two of my best friends and I, Shannon and Erin, just drove up for the night. We were so stoked to be able to just freely worship and hear a great message and be excited to spend time with Christ. I was so thankful that I got to see Melody too. I got to spend the night in her dorm room and have some time to just talk and hang out. I missed her so much. It was really cool to see her in her element. She is just thriving at Tech and I know that she is going to grow so much this year and I am so excited for her. She is great and I am so glad I got to see her close to her Birthday.

Another big weekend was this past weekend. I went and served on Work Crew for a Young Life camp called Rockbridge. Talk about a life changing weekend. Pete Hardesty, our area leader, said some things that hit me hard. He talked about how there are two tangible things on this earth that matter and that go past this life on earth. People and the word of God. That's all that matters. Those are the only two things that mean anything. Wake up call. I needed to be reminded of that. I think that sometime we get caught up in a routine of life. School, gym, homework, etc. I don't want to go through motions of the world and become something because that is what is expected of me. I want to be a light. I want to have others see Jesus's love in me. I want others to know what is important to me. I hope that people remember me as someone who loved God and others with all of her heart. I want to live for Him.

Something else happened this weekend that is quite notable. I felt like God called me to the ministry of Young Life. This was a big thing because I have been really torn where I should be putting my time. Whether I should try to be YL leader or be involved more in IV. The thing is that my whole should be my ministry. I want to reach out in every aspect of my life, but I know that Young Life is going to be my place to serve specifically. It is really exciting to know that this is where I am going to grow and thrive. I can't wait to be a leader. I don't know who my girls or my school that I will be leading at will be yet-but I am already stoked to be apart. I am going to start praying for my girls and school now. I want to meet them and know that I was already praying them. I know God will go ahead and prepare my heart to serve them. There is nothing better on this earth than knowing that you are doing God's work. That is where I get my joy and happiness. I just can't wait to start in this ministry.

I named my blog after a song Leslie put on a cd that she gave me before I went to JMU in the summer. The song is called Your Love is Strong by Jon Foreman. I have been listening to it constantly this week because I needed to be reminded of God's greatness. If you don't know this song, I posted the YouTube link at the bottom of the page because it is a great song and I hope it speaks to you like it does to me.

This week consists of me hopefully just constantly hanging out with people who I love. I am so glad that  Work Crew allowed me to get close to some awesome girls. I am obsessed with them all. Seriously. I just want to be best friends with them all-forever.

This weekend I am going to Note-Oriety "boot-camp" on saturday night for just the night and sunday. I am so stoked. I think Note-Oriety is a perfect opportunity for me to just be able to love these girls and show them how great they are. I am so thankful that they are all so easy to get along with and have fun with. I can't wait to spend time with them and get to know them all so much better! I hope they know how much I love them!

Something really funny happened to me on campus today. A guy came up to me in the Commons and asked me if he could talk for a second. I said of course and he asked me, "If you died tomorrow, how sure are you that you would go to heaven on a scale of 1-100." I was so thankful that I was able to say 100. I forgot how big of a deal that is. I have the most amazing gift ever. I have the gift of life.  It's so easy to forgot that but that little reminder was exactly what I needed. I have something so amazing and I can't wait to share it.

Thanks for reading this all to long and ridiculously emotional blog. Love you all!!

Leslie Sarah and I went around to see all of the girls looking cute for homecoming! My eyes are closed, of course.

Me seeing Kelsey at the football game! I am pretty sure I was crying 2 mins before this picture was taken

Me and a bunch of other kids being goofy at the end of Work Crew weekend.

My cabin/small group for young life. I love these girls so much! I am so glad I got to spend Work Crew with them and get close with all of them! Love you all!

Your Love is Strong By Jon Foreman Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=301S7NgAkLs

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Relationships and Robitussin

It was my first time being sick in college :( Not the best experience! It all started almost two weeks ago on a  Thursday. I had been complaining a bit to my friend Lindy about a soar throat. The next day was terrible. I had a fever, stomach ache, head ache, and congestion. I pretty much felt like crap. I think the worst part about it was not having my mom. Seriously, I can feel like crap but there is nothing like your mom to snuggle with to make it feel all better. That was a little tough. But hey, I'm a big girl. I dealt with it. Mostly with a lot of meds and a lot of sleep. But even then this stupid virus continued for almost 2 weeks. I thought I was over it until I talked to my mom on the phone today(It was her birthday <3 ) and she thought my cough sounded like bronchitis. Not what I wanted to hear, but it sounds like I will be getting a prescription for antibiotics filled tomorrow. However, although it was tough being sick by myself these past two weeks, I learned a lot. First I learned that I love sleep. I think I have always known that but I was literally asleep more than I was awake. It felt pretty great. Second of all I learned you need to read packages before you buy medicine. There is a big difference between Halls Cough Drops and Halls Defense. Halls cough drops actually help stop your cough. Halls Defense are nothing but Vitamin C drops that pretty much taste like candy yet do nothing for you. After a huge bag of them I kept wondering why they were not doing anything for me. But needless to say, it tasted like happiness in my mouth.

Besides being a sick baby, a lot has happened in these past couple of weeks. Amazing things actually! First of all, my friendships here have literally just grown off the charts. I have been so blessed to meet so many awesome people already who have totally just poured into my life in so many ways. The first thing that happened was that my small group in IV and Young Life have gotten so close! There is nothing like having people in your life who you can just be yourself with! For example, last weekend IV took a ton of people to the Natural Chimneys. We got to climb up large cliffs and explore God's amazing creation. Probably one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The view was breath taking. Another thing that was awesome was that I was able to really connect with my small group leader Laura. She is amazing! Her testimony has just hit me so hard. She doesn't even realize how amazing she is. She is super positive and fun and encouraging. Last week we ended up having coffee together for like 3 hours. She is one of those people who you can keep talking to and still have so much to talk about hours later. Her and I talked on the phone tonight for like 30 minutes even though I spent this entire weekend with her. We just really love each other. Another person who I have spent a lot of time with is Caroline Lavoie. She is just so great! We get along really well and she makes me laugh allllll the time. She is a spunky thing with a big agenda. I love it. She isn't even in my small groups or anything but we get along so well that we make time to hang out! However I have also really been able to connect with Erin Abell. She is my love. She is someone who just completely trusts in Gods plan for her life and totally depends on him. I love her so much! I can't wait to spend more and more time with her.

Big Events have been going on though besides all of these fun get togethers and what not. First of all, New Student Retreat was this past weekend. NSR is a weekend long retreat with all of the freshmen in Intervarsity. It was life changing. I say that about a lot of things. But, I am honestly changed. I am really seeing how I am beginning to grow into the person that I am meant to be. Growing up has nothing to do with age though and everything to do with experiences. The experiences that I had this past year are ones that are really beginning to shape me into a new person in Christ. I am excited about it too. So this weekend CJ (the leader of Intervarsity) talked all about growing with God and growing with our small groups as a community! I feel like I learned a lot about how important it is to pursue others and bond with them and be a relational person. I just have begun to love people. All people-no matter what. It was a great weekend to make friends with other girls and guys and be able to have a common interest that made us all be able to hang out with each other like we have been friends for a long time. So, overall-NSR was great and I wish I could go back now.

Another big event that happened-I got into Note-Oriety! Note-Oriety is an amazing a cappella group on campus that is all-female. I am so excited to be a part of the group. All of the girls are super nice and just want to hang out and get to know me. I can't wait to get to know each and every one of them. They are going to be my bffs for the next years here at JMU so I know that we are going to have so many good times together!!

Lastly but certainly not least in importance. My Young Life leader,Leslie, got ENGAGED! Ahhhh I could scream! There is nothing like weddings! I am so excited for you Leslie and Coleman and I can't wait til I can give you a big hug and celebrate with you both this awesome and exciting time! Thanks so much for being in my life and being such a great example of how a Christ-centered relationship should be like. You both are awesome and Leslie you are going to make a beautiful bride <3


My leader Laura and I at the Natural Chimneys :)

Erin and I hanging out after we went to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings with her mom and some other awesome girls!

My small group hanging out at NSR! Love these girls!

This is my other Small Group Leader-Jen. She is so amazing! We were posing for a picture while at the Natural Chimneys!

Two of my amazing friends Caroline and Lindy! We were just being super silly at Young Life one night.

Also, this is my beautiful Young Life Leader Leslie and her FIANCE-Coleman! They are just too cute for words! Congrats!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So this is college...

I cannot believe that I am going into my third week of college. So weird! So mom, you are probably wanting to know every single detail. Well here is what is going on that is important.

My Hall/Dorm Experience:
First of all, I love my dorm. My room is actually quite large and I think my roommate and I have it decorated nicely. My roommate is amazing. Seriously, she is so great. We get along so well! We have already been able to open up to each other about life and discuss how we are dealing with stress, college, etc. It has been so great to have someone who you are able to connect with already. My hallmates crack me up. I seriously love them all. Some of them are a little crazy on the weekends, but I love them no matter what. Everyone gets along great. Everyone looks out for each other. It is really like a weird 30 person family where everyone coincidentally is the same age. This past weekend I went to the first home football game of JMU vs. CCSU with all of them. What a blast! It was crazy hilarious to see how animated all of the guys on the hall were over the game-loved that!

My Young Life Experience So Far:
I started off by going to the Young Life ice-cream social before classes even started. As we were walking there, a group of upper classmen were ahead of us so we were following them :) I asked a girl in front of me just to make sure if she was heading to the social. She said yes, and as soon as she found out that we were freshmen she began to ask questions. She asked me where I was from, and I said well, you've probably never heard of it-Poquoson. She told me that her roommate from last year was a girl from Poquoson-woah that is unusual. Kelsey Powell was her name. And she was so great about introducing me to all of her friends. It was so great to feel apart of an awesome community. I also met Ali Jacobs(my current YL small group leader). She was also one of the girls who was so engaging and pursuing. I felt so loved by all of the people at JMU YL. Since the social, I have met countless people. A few of my close friends who are also freshmen include, Lindy, Caroline, Erin, Shannon, Lea, Sarah, Rachel and all of the girls in my YL small group who I am just getting to know. I can't even begin to explain my excitement with YL beyond either. Beyond is YL for freshmen that meets every Tuesday nights at 7:33(yea thats YL for you). We play games, hear an awesome message from our area director, Pete Hardesty, and watch a couple of skits about a male nurse. It really is a great time to fellowship with other freshmen and learn about what this year has in store for me here at JMU.

My IV Experience So Far:
IV is another Christian organization on campus. They meet on friday nights at 7. IV is more of a Youth Group kind of feel. We have worship time, we hear a message, and maybe a few fun games. It is huge at JMU. The first IV of the year had over 650 college students. That was so encouraging to see. I am also in an IV small group. Tonight was my first meeting with them. My leaders are extremely nice and they are really engaging and fun. All of the girls in my group are so nice too. I can't wait to go spend a weekend with them at NSR(New Student Retreat). It is a retreat for freshmen to give us the opportunity to get closer with our small groups and fellowship with each other as new students in college. I can't wait to go! Erin Abell is in my small group, so the it is bound to have so fun times :)

My Dance Party Experiences:
So instead of going out and partying on weekends, JMU had awesome christian organizations that constantly have something going on to remind us that you do not have to "go out" to have a great time.
DANCE PARTIES! That is where it is at. I break it down on the dance floor. I shake it like Beyonce. Seriously, this is the only type of partying where you burn calories as suppose to chug them. By the end of the night, we are so sweaty that our clothes are literally soaking wet. Its gross, but totally worth it. We jam all night and then the next night-we repeat! I have been to 4 so far. The more I dance, the more I love JMU.

My Class Experience:
Oh yea, thats what I am suppose to be here for. Well, currently my classes this semester are super easy. I am still an Education major, and honestly, I was more challenged in kindergarten. 2 of my classes do not require me to take a test or quiz...ever. One of my classes is based on speaking. Another, on reading. And my Psyc class only meets once a week. My math class consists of doing problems like adding and subtracting. It is stupid. I feel like a baby. But, I love all of my free time. I consume my free time with the gym, Young Life, and taking 30 minutes to walk to each class. Its been enjoyable. I love it here. I chase ducks when I walk by the lake. I take pictures of the ground hog that lives behind the A/C vent by my dorm. I pick unknown berries off of a tree and eat them. I sit and talk to the homeless men who are always on campus with signs about Jesus. I play with sidewalk chalk. I clean(I know shocker right?), and I am beginning to learn sign language. These are all of the special things that I get to do as a college student, and I love it. Life is good. Oh, and if you were wondering what I am changing my major to-I think I decided to change it to Social Work with a concentration of orphaned and underprivileged children. I feel called to pursue that. But, who knows for sure? Next week it could be engineering-but most likely not.

For the most part, that is my life in a nutshell(its a kind of big nutshell). I love college but there are a few things/people I miss.

My family-I miss them all so much. I've always loved my family and have been super close with them, so it's been hard to not have their support of being right next to me.

My YL leaders/cabin time. My YL leaders mean the world to me. I cried to my YL leader, Leslie on skype last night because seeing her makes me want to give her a big old hug and you can't do that via internet. Sarah, my other amazing leader, was great to be able to cuddle with and complain to. Haha, she cracks me up. Its just hard not to have them around like I did this summer. I also miss cabin time. That's when me and all of the rest of the Young Life girls would get together with our leaders and talk about life and have a mini bible study and just eat brownies and cookies and goof around. They are the best. I miss them more than they know.

My Anna-Anna is my best friend. Her and I get along so well, she knows everything about me and I can talk to her about anything. Miss you Kiddy.

So far, college has been great. I cannot wait to share my fondest moments and memories on this page and to see myself change through the course of four years.

After a dance party, Lindy Levis and I are in the car on the way back to our dorm. Eww we are soo sweaty! But, we had a great time!

Taking a quick picture with my good friend Erin Abell before IV on friday night :)

My Young Life leaders and I! Miss you both <3

My Hall Mates and I at the first game. From left, Heather, Me, Emily H., Elizabeth, Nikki

"I have come that you may have life, and life to the full"-John 10:10

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Blog About Blogging

I never really thought that I would start a blog. I am not the kind of person to usually open up about what is going on in my life and share it with everyone around me, but I've had a change of heart about that. This past summer I went to Young Life camp, and since then, my eyes have been opened to the need to remember what God is doing in my life. So, I started to journal(Thanks to my Young Life leaders). Since then, I can look back and already see how God has answered prayers in that journal. It has already impacted me. Besides that, I thought that my mom would get a kick out of this because she says I don't call her or tell her enough and that's why she had to get a Facebook-to check up on me. However, the real reason is to be able to look back at the end of college and be able to reflect on the past and to see how I've grown and changed. And for those who might actually read this, you all get to see my growth and journey too. I decided to name my blog "A Beautiful Destination" because ultimately, I am headed to that very thing. However, it is not just about where I end up, but how I get there. One of my favorite quotes is, "My strongest testimony is my daily life." How true that is. Although I won't be posting a blog everyday(maybe once a week?), I think my testimony as a young woman in college will begin to shine. So, let's do this thing.